POSTER Session 1

Monday, October 7

Poster Session | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4InstructionsSchedule at a Glance


Optical Sediment Trap for Detecting and Monitoring Sinking Marine Particles

Measuring sinking particles in the ocean is critical to the study of the ocean’s biological carbon pump (BCP), especially as it relates to proposed marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) strategies, such as iron fertilization or ocean alkalinity enhancement, that aim to alter carbon cycling processes in the ocean. The flux of carbon between the atmosphere, ocean, and seafloor is poorly constrained however and lacks sufficient in-situ data to understand how direct (e.g. iron fertilization) and indirect (e.g. global climate change) human-induced perturbations may alter this natural cycle across different spatiotemporal scales. A need therefore exists for sensors that (1) can directly measure carbon in-situ and (2) are optimized (SWaP, data rates, cost) for distributed sensing on a variety of deployment platforms to maximize our understanding of global carbon cycling in the ocean. We are designing an Optical Sediment Trap (OST) that is uniquely suited to detect and monitor sinking particulate carbon and other marine particles. The sensor is designed with mass-production in mind for integration with autonomous vehicles and profiling platforms, such as BGC-ARGO, driving requirements for reductions in cost, power consumption, and size. The OST has a large optical beam cross-section and a pressure housing that does not physically interfere with the capture of sinking particles, which increases sampling capacity and reduces bias in particle capture and detection. We will discuss the engineering development efforts to-date for the OST, including relevant laboratory testing, and define the next steps in bringing this sensor to market.

Kirby Simon, Sequoia Scientific, Inc., USA

Wayne Slade, OceanSense, LLC, USA

Margaret Estapa, University of Maine, USA

Ole Mikkelsen, Sequoia Scientific, Inc., USA

Chuck Pottsmith, Sequoia Scientific, Inc., USA

Poster Session | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
InstructionsSchedule at a Glance

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