The leading international conference on the optics of inland, coastal, and ocean waters.
We are looking forward to convening Ocean Optics XXVI in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, from October 6–11, 2024. This six-day conference will be held at the Palacio de Congresos located along Playa de Las Canteras. This facility features a variety of meeting spaces, state-of-the-art technology, and a welcoming and professional staff. Over 350 attendees from around the world have already registered to participate; registration remains open through October 11, 2024. > GO TO SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE
News and Announcements
Please visit the FAQs page to see information such as Where is the ATM at the airport? Are there places nearby to grab a quick lunch? When can I pick up the poster I ordered? Where can I change clothes if I go swimming at lunchtime? and more!
Professor Dariusz Stramski
The Oceanography Society is pleased to announce that Professor Dariusz Stramski of Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego has been selected as the 2024 recipient of the Nils Gunnar Jerlov Medal. > LEARN MORE
Who Attends
The Ocean Optics Conference attracts a diverse audience of active practitioners in this field, including oceanographers, marine ecologists, limnologists, optical engineers, marine resource managers, and policy professionals from around the world.
The Program
Conference presentations include the science of optics across all aquatic environments, research, and applications, including (but not limited to) biogeochemistry, environmental management and applications, instruments, techniques and observational systems, remote sensing, phytoplankton ecology, radiative transfer and optical theory, global change, and benthic processes. Attendees will attend plenary presentations during the day and interact with colleagues during scientific poster session receptions held in the exhibit/poster hall in the early evening. In addition to invited and contributed oral and poster presentations, the conference will provide the opportunity for community-wide discussions. > GO TO DAILY AGENDA
Planning Committee
Paula Bontempi, Chair – USA
Krista Alikas — Estonia
Alison Chase – USA
Hayley Evers-King – Germany
Srinivas Kolluru – USA
Zarko Kovac – Croatia
Piotr Kowalczuk – Poland
Hubert Loisel – France
Laura Lorenzoni – USA
Kelly Luis – USA
Catherine Mitchell – USA
Griet Neukermans – Belgium
Jenny Ramarui – USA
Eric Rehm – USA
Violeta Sanjuan Calzado – USA
Wayne Slade – USA
Xiaodong Zhang – USA
Conference Organizer
Ocean Optics XXVI is organized by The Oceanography Society (TOS). As a professional society, TOS is committed to supporting a community that encourages the open expression and exchange of ideas, that is free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, and that is welcoming to all members and to those who participate in its activities. In pursuit of that commitment, TOS is dedicated to the philosophy of equality of opportunity and treatment for all participants.
Find it here.
Contact Jenny Ramarui,
Conference Coordinator,
at [email protected]
or (1) 301-251-7708