POSTER Session 1

Monday, October 7

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A Community Processor for Validation-Quality In Situ Above Water Radiometry (AWR)

Recent developments in the acquisition, processing, and protocols for AWR have prompted a major overhaul of the open-source processor formerly known as HyperInSPACE (now HyperInSPACE Community Processor, HyperCP). This publicly distributed resource was designed to produce rigorously quality controlled, protocol-compliant, validation-quality hyperspectral field radiometry. Data from HyperCP are formatted for submission to NASA SeaBASS and Copernicus OCDB archives for the purpose of hyperspectral mission validation and algorithm development. HyperCP now propagates uncertainties associated with comprehensive, sensor-specific or class-specific radiometric calibration and characterization in addition to uncertainties associated with the sea surface glint correction, BRDF correction, satellite band convolution, and environmental variability. The incorporation of radiative transfer modeling now also allows for the correction of data for angularity of response in addition to dark current noise, straylight response, thermal response, and polarization response. These corrections associated with instrument characterization together with Monte Carlo modeling to estimate uncertainties in significant corrections such as glint and BRDF have reduced uncertainties in ir/radiances and reflectances from >~10% to generally <~5% across the visible spectrum. These advances were made possible through a collaboration between multiple space agencies and academic institutes working together toward the common goals of transparency, reproducibility, flexibility to adopt advances and new sensor platforms, and a will to reduce redundancy of effort across the community.

Dirk Aurin, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA,

Juan Ignacio Gossn, EUMETSAT, Germany

Agnieszka Bialek, National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom

Ashley Ramsay, National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom

Alexis Deru, ACRI-ST, France

Nils Haentjens, University of Maine, USA

Riho Vendt, University of Tartu, Estonia

Poster Session | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
InstructionsSchedule at a Glance

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